
What is it that we do? In short, we help identify and optimize great leaders. Our doctoral-level training and years of executive experience led to our three-pronged, in-depth approach in which we assess, build and transition leaders.


Often, companies are quick on the technical hire and forget about the person behind the role. A candidate’s resume will tell you whether they are experienced, but particularly in leadership, there are skill sets critical to the organization not viewable on a resume.

Our consultants have extensive training in leadership assessment, including:

  • Strategic Competency Modeling – Utilizing proprietary and commercial instruments, we look at the personality profile that has the highest likelihood of creating success at your company.
  • Leadership Assessments for New Hire, Promotion and Development - We meet with key stakeholders such as the executive leadership team, hiring manager, and HR representatives to gain the deepest sense of company values, goals, risks, and future movement to identify essential success factors for the targeted position.
  • 360-Degree Feedback Process – Our 360 isn’t a one-size-fits-all program. Our reports are tailor-made to your company. We systematically and comprehensively incorporate standardized or proprietary feedback instruments to record perception of leadership effectiveness across a variety of domains, and incorporate the views of the target executive, direct reports, supervisor, peers, customers, superiors. Our 360 degree feedback process is also developmental in design, with an emphasis placed on coaching following assessment to help accelerate key executive leadership capacities and overcome developmental gaps.


The most effective companies have the most effective leaders. The challenges companies face today are as unique as they are treacherous. Ensuring executives are developing and enhancing their leadership capacity is tantamount to the survival and success of business.

STMC helps build a company with:

  • Executive Development – Helps harness a leader’s talents in a way that accelerates their growth so they are working at their optimal level quicker and consistently. Our consultants partner with the executive to enhance people management and leadership skills, time management, communication tactics, workplace stress management, working with difficult employees, multicultural sensitivity, and compartmentalizing and overcoming personal challenges to achieve professional goals.
  • Bench Strengthening – Whether it’s a new hire, downsizing or reorganization, we look at making sure the best people remain in place and that the proper talent is in position, so the company can smoothly adjust when inevitable shifts occur.


After you identify the talent and put people in place, how do you optimize effectiveness? How do you navigate challenges to ensure the person gains the quickest traction? Our services provide:

  • 90 Day Transitional Coaching – Addressing the natural waves that come from change within an organization, and addressing technical, organizational and cultural factors. We help the leader gains traction early.
  • PreTransitional Consulting – Getting key players on the same page in terms of what is needed for the smoothest transition, troubleshooting problems before they emerge, and accessing support within the organization is our focus prior to the formal transition.
  • Reorganizational Talent Consulting – It’s not just a challenge to get the right people “on the bus”, but to figure out where they should sit! We help build a schemata of your talent pool and strategize on how to position people to play off their strengths.
  • Supervisory Support – Helping ensure successful successions isn’t just the job of the leader, but of their supervisor as well. We work with the supervisor to create the smoothest transition.