How Succession Ready is Your Company?

Ten questions you should be asking about your company’s Succession Planning:

  1. 1. Does your company’s leadership growth plan keep pace with business growth?
  2. 2. How deep is your talent pipeline? Can your pipeline fill key leadership vacancies and qualified internal candidates for the next 3-5 years?
  3. 3. Is your company getting better at what it does over time?
  4. 4. Does your organization craft individual development plans for high-potential candidates?
  5. 5. Is there an objective plan in place to identify and develop future leadership?
  6. 6. Do you have executive leadership team bench strength? How many of the company’s senior leaders could be replaced by internal candidates?
  7. 7. What skills will your organization likely need in the future, and has it planned for this?
  8. 8. If the leadership team stays the same, will the business achieve its strategic goals?
  9. 9. Do you have a formal management plan for succession processes?
  10. 10. What makes for a strong candidate in key leadership positions (includes C-Suite and beyond)?

To discuss any of these questions or other succession needs, simply contact us-- we’d love to chat!